Dairy Farmers choose Solar and Ground Source as their preferred energy solution
£7150 a year benefit with a payback period of just 6 years.
R & J A Bayley are Dairy Farmers based in Tamworth, Staffordshire. They approached Greenstone Heat for advice on renewable energy options for their 5 bedroom farmhouse that was about to be renovated.
Upon Greenstone’s advice, they decided to opt for a 17kW Thermia Ground Source Heat Pump and a 30kW Solar array on a Barn that was due to be used to store feed for their livestock.
After a thorough heat/loss survey on the property, a 17kW Heat Pump was decided on, coupled with underfloor heating on the ground floor and radiators on the first floor, 2000m of horizontal ground loop was used.
The RHI and further energy saving benefits mean that the Ground Source project will pay for itself in just over 5 and half years.
30kW, (or 108), solar modules was settled on as a suitable size for the site usage. The south facing barn made the decision easier as the estimated generation was excellent, this, along with the end of the Feed in Tariff subsidy in March 2019, made the Bayley’s decide that they would go for this size system. The whole site benefits from the generation of electricity from the Solar, this includes the Dairy and another farmhouse, it will also help run the Ground Source Heat Pump.
The system comprises of 108 BYD Solar panels and Solar Edge optimisers and Inverters.
Total project installation cost approx. | = £42,000 +VAT |
RHI benefit (ground source) | = £2,700 |
FiT benefit (solar) | = £1,050 |
Savings on oil | = £650 |
Savings on electric | = £2,750 |
Total benefit | = £7,150 |
Payback | = 6 years |